As part of the “Knowledge, Health and Food for All” project co-ordinated by Research and Co-operation, Ipogea has invented the traditional techins of Bolivia, Ecuador and India identified by local partners. Such techniques fuel the World Bank of Traditional Knowledge (TKWB) promoted by Ipogea along with UNESCO, a wiki-type online card system that can be viewed by everyone and thus allows the conservation and the current use of traditional knowledge. TKWB is currently prototype and will be ready at the beginning of 2013. There are three types of cards: Module 1 contains a general description of the State, Module 2 deepens the analysis of a given area and Module 3 describes ‘Local application of a traditional technique. Techniques are inventoried by the SITTI methodology that identifies traditional techniques with easy recognition icons, visually located in their geographic location on Google Earth.


Module 1 – General State Information: Bolivia

Module 2 – Information on a specific area: Potosi

Module 3 – Traditional Technical Description: Chuno Tunta

Module 3 – Traditional technical description: Chuno Negro

Module 3 – Traditional technical description: Chuno Blanco

Download the “kmz” file – Through this file you will see the icons on Google Earth and by clicking on each icon you will access the relevant tab.


Module 1 – General State Information: Ecuador

Module 2 – Information on a specific area: Cayambe

Module 2 – Information on a specific area: Manabii

Module 2 – Information on a specific area: Pastaza

Module 3 – Traditional Technical Description: Agrobiodiversidad

Module 3 – Traditional technical description: Conocimiento de semillas

Module 3 – Traditional Technical Description: Consevación de semillas

Module 3 – Traditional Technical Description: Suede Manejo

Download the “kmz” file – Through this file you will see the icons on Google Earth and by clicking on each icon you will access the relevant tab.


Form 1 – General State Information: India

Modulo 2 – Informazioni su un’area specifica: Uttarakhand

Modulo 3 – Descrizione tecnica tradizionale: Harvesting

Modulo 3 – Descrizione tecnica tradizionale: Manuring

Modulo 3 – Descrizione tecnica tradizionale: Pest

Modulo 3 – Descrizione tecnica tradizionale: Plowing

Modulo 3 – Descrizione tecnica tradizionale: Storing

Modulo 3 – Descrizione tecnica tradizionale: Thakuli

Modulo 3 – Descrizione tecnica tradizionale: Weeding

Modulo 3 – Descrizione tecnica tradizionale: Rice cultivation

Scarica il file “kmz” – Tramite questo file si visualizzano le icone su Google Earth e cliccando su ogni icona si accede alla relativa scheda.

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SITTI – Sistema Iconograrfico delle Tecniche Tradizionali e Innovative