The Bruna Charriot: Death and Rebirth
Matera is a primordial city that speaks to us of forgotten dimensions, its beauty cannot be understood without also understanding its spirit. Everything is connected. The archaic sacredness is assumed into the Christian one. An ancient rite that we find in all ancient cultures is renewed. The chariot resulting from efforts and passion is destroyed. It is an event of death and rebirth; destruction and creation; beauty and fear. The passion, the torment (in Matera we say the “strazzo”, the torment of the Chariot) of archaic powers is renewed. As in the religion of the ancient Egyptians in which Osiris is dismembered, or in the Dionysian mysteries, or even in Shiva who forms and annihilates the universe. The seed dissolves to be reborn and the chariot is broken to pieces to regenerate again.