Meeting in Viscri, Romania, with King Charles III
To honor his Majesty visit to Romania,
The International President of The Maria Nobrega Foundation and ITKI , Mrs Elizabeth Nobrega Tsakiroglou organized the meeting with his Majesty, King Charles III and Professor Pietro Laureano, President of Ipogea and co founder of ITKI together with the British Colonel Michael Carrington , to announce the opening of The ITKI Academy World Heritage University and its promotion by the International Traditional Knowledge Institute and the Maria Nobrega Foundation, based on the principles of the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO).
The Archita village represents the cultural legacy of the British Colonel Michael Carrington of King’s Regiment and it has been decided by the International President Elizabeth to be one of the major ITKI international campuses, focused on restoring and protecting its valuable heritage and cultural identity

On the following day, a press conference was held in the rural vilage of Archita, where Pietro Laureano joined by various representative of the local community, and of the University of Târgu Mureș, express the commitment towards the project of realizing the ITKI World Heritage Academy, and making Archita a campus with all the facilities needed.