O.A.S.I. project 2009-2011

Project O.A.S.I. , Ksar Amguid, Adrar : Using the Foggara System to Irrigate Algerian Oases Algeria’s Saharan oases illustrate marvelously how humans have managed to survive under hostile [...]

Timimoun 2008-2009

Pilot project for the restoration of Timimoun, Algeria : “Projet pilote de restauration des Foggaras dans la Sebkha de Timimoun avec les techniques traditionnelles et leur usage innovateur”.


  EXPO-AGUA ZARAGOZA 2008 The Sete Pavilion headed by Pietro Laureano for the Saragossa Universal Show on Water is the most visited in its category.Great public success of the Zaragoza [...]

Kasbah Algeri 2002-2007

ITALIAN FOREIGN MINISTRY Planning, Coordination and realization of the project “Training course on the restoration and the valorisation of the Algeri Kasbah through traditional techniques and [...]