Coordination of MELIA project, Mediterranean dialogue on integrated water management. MELIA is a Coordinated Action (CA) aimed at the establishment of a strategic dialogue between research centres, governments, regulators, users and providers, in the field of Integrated Water Resources Management, one of the leading topics identified by the Monitoring Committee of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership in Science, Technology and Innovation, as a key field for the sustainable development of the Mediterranean countries. The particular strategic objective of MELIA is to contribute to the improvement of the regional water planning and management under scarcity condition to enhance sustainable development in the Mediterranean region; the specific objective of MELIA is the fostering of dialogue and communication among its 45 partners, to build-up and share a common knowledge and awareness that is open to legislators, political deciders, water users and providers and citizens, and would contribute to the sustainable management of limited water resources in the Mediterranean, including by exploring solutions outside the water resources of the Mediterranean Basin,i.e. trade and tourism.