Knowledge, Health and Food for All 2010-2013

Coordination of the project Knowledge, Health and Food for All – Advocacy campaign for a sustainable application of Intellectual Property Rights on development processes, a study of the [...]

MELIA project 2006-2010

Coordination of MELIA project, Mediterranean dialogue on integrated water management. MELIA is a Coordinated Action (CA) aimed at the establishment of a strategic dialogue between research [...]

ITKnet 2009

Organization and coordination in Prague of the Forum “ITKnet Innovative and Traditional Knowledge network for the proper use of natural resources” that aimed at sharing the results of the [...]

FOGGARA Project 2003-2009

Coordination of the project FOGGARA Inventory, analysis and enhancement of traditional water techniques of European and Saharan drainage tunnels. The general aim is the better understanding of [...]

Resourcenet Project 2005-2007

Coordination of the European project “Resourcenet. Coordination of actions granted by EU and other international organisms to rational use of natural resources in arid and semiarid areas”; 6th [...]

SHADUF Project 2004-2007

Scientific coordination of the INCOMED Project entitled SHADUF Traditional Water Techniques: Cultural Heritage for a Sustainable Future. The project aims to contribute to the development of a [...]

MEDINA Project 2003

Coordination of the research activities in the framework of the Eumedis Project MEDINA – (MEDiterranean by INternet Access) – Thematic section “Rupestrian civilizations”.